Monday, 14 July 2008

Sensible verses

I haven't read any of Salman Rushdie's novels, but perhaps I should, because I was extremely impressed with the interview he gave in last week's Guardian (by Stuart Jeffries; Friday 11 July; G2, pp4-7).

He came across as an incredibly brave (OK, and arrogant too, I grant) individual who has some very useful things to say about today's society. Most pertinent was the line picked out as the headline:
"Everybody needs to get thicker skins"
He continues: "There is this culture of offence, as though offending someone is the worst thing anyone can do. Again, there is an assumption that our first duty is to be respectful."

As I read this, the radio was bumbling away in the background, but my ears pricked at (yet another) item about the problem of teenage knife-crime.

Thankfully I don't know anyone involved, but if what I read, hear and see via the media is true, "respect" (or perceived lack of it) is one little word that often sparks off these vicious attacks.

So, 'sensible verses' from Mr Rushie...

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